Fall Stage
This show is for students in Grades 1 - 12.
Text Messaging System: Please join our Text Messaging System. This will be how Coach Mark communicates throughout the rehearsal process. Participants with cell phones should join as well as all Parents.
To 81010, Text @21-fs
Performance Dates / Venue: Our Lady of Perpetual Help
236 E. Main St., Maple Shade, NJ 08052​
Saturday, 10/23 at 2 PM - Gold Cast
Saturday, 10/23 at 8 PM - Black Cast
Sunday, 10/24 at 3 PM - Black Cast
Sunday, 10/24 at 7 PM - Gold Cast
MTC Performing Arts Studio
5 W. Main Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057
Friday, 9/10, 5 PM - 6 PM and 7 PM - 8 PM
Saturday, 9/11, 12 PM - 1 PM and 2 PM - 4 PM
Sign up for an Audition Timeslot
Link to Audition Music (PDF Measures and Music Tracks)
Print and fill in this Audition Form, attach a picture to it and bring it with you to your audition
Bios - submit your bio here for the Program Book
Ads - Purchase an Ad for the Program Book or Become a Partner
Four Days per Week (Leads will probably be called for all four rehearsals per week; Ensemble Members will probably be called for just three rehearsals per week)
Sundays, 1 to 4 PM (These rehearsals will usually be just for Leads for Blocking)
Tuesdays, 4 to 7 PM (Full Cast usually for Dance & Music)
Wednesdays, 4 to 7 PM (Full Cast usually for Music)
Saturdays, 1 to 4 PM (Full Cast usually for Dance)
Six Weeks
Week 1 (Sept. 12 to 18: Sept. 12 – Read / Sing-Thru for the Full Cast, 14, 15, & 18)
Week 2 (Sept. 19 to 25: Sept. 19, 21, 22, & 25)
Week 3 (Sept. 26 to Oct. 2: Sept. 26, 28, 29, & Oct. 2)
Week 4 (Oct. 3 to Oct. 9: Oct. 3, 5, 6, & 9)
Week 5 (Oct. 10 to Oct. 16: Oct. 10, 12, 13, & 16)
Week 6 (‘Fun’ / Tech Week - Oct. 17 to Oct. 21)
Oct. 17 – Two Stumble-Thru Rehearsals
Oct. 18 & 19 – Tech Rehearsals
Oct. 20 & 21 – Dress Rehearsals
Please try to get to attend rehearsals for which you are ‘called’.
If you are going to be absent or late for any rehearsals, please TEXT Coach Mark at 609 / 922-2506.